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Digital Transformation. Converting African Government from Paper Based Management to Automated Technology

Transforming government from a Paper Based Environment to full Digital Automation and Integration requires clear objectives, focus and most of all, a team effort.

Posted on 07 July 2020 at 07:43am

e-government software africa
Government Digital Transformation for Africa

If your government department is still dependent on Word Software to produce your written documents, and Excel Spreadsheets to collate financial reports, you should be talking to us.

CFTA Software is an Africa Diaspora company committed to the development, growth and prosperity of Africa. We see no reason why the continents governments should not have access to the same digital technology used by governments in Europe and North America.

We understand the needs of government on the continent, and specialise in improving on the systems you already have place with the use of Digital Automation and Integration. Automation speeds up the time it takes for your staff to get things done, and eliminates the risk of human error to almost zero.

The Software Systems we design will always be fully compatible with your existing technology, including Microsoft products such as Outlook and Office.

CFTA Software. A company from the Africa Diaspora

By working with a Software Consultancy from the Diaspora, you can be sure that the level of service you will receive and the software technology we supply, will be as good as that found in any European or North American government department.

If your government has the vision, we will introduce you to the technology that helps you to achieve it.

CFTA Software is an Africa Diaspora EGov software company made up of European based Engineers of African descent.

We specialise in the design and development of Integrated Commercial, E-Government and E-Governance software systems to Western standards, for governments and companies in the AfCFTA region.

Our pricing is in line with African Digital Infrastructure budgets, and we accept full or partial payments in your Local currency for software development projects.

Contact us to find out how to get started.

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